
Classical Mechanics Lecture SS 24

Lecture on classical theoretical mechanics

Computational Physics WS 23/24

Computational Physics is the lecture about Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics and field theory

Statistical Physics WS 22/23 (physik521)

Statistical physics at the classical and quantum level. It focusses on thermodynamics as well as statistical physics including phase transitions and spin systems.

Computerphysik Lecture SS 22

Computerphysik introduces basic numerical algorithms for solving ordinary differential equations, finding roots of functions, finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and more. The lecture is taught in German, and it is one of the mandatory lectures in the bachelors.

Quantum Computing WS 21/22

Quantum Computing

Computerphysik Lecture SS 21

Computerphysik introduces basic numerical algorithms for solving ordinary differential equations, finding roots of functions, finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and more. The lecture is taught in German, and it is one of the mandatory lectures in the bachelors.

Quantum Computing WS 20/21

Quantum Computing